Catering to the needs of the professional DJ and producer, this contract package will help you establish legal clarity in a variety of situations. The handshake deal, unfortunately, has little enforceability in a court of law or in the back office of a nightclub trying to get paid after a gig. Erase the ambiguity.
Our comprehensive package includes 16 different forms, including DJ performance contracts, remix recording contracts, 12-inch single producer contracts, and more.
This package contains the following contracts and legal forms:
Artist Management Agreement
Dance Remix Recording Contract (Flat Fee)
Dance Remix Recording Contract (Royalty)
DJ Performance Contract (Special Event)
DJ Performance Contract (Nightclub)
DJ Performance Contract Rider (Nightclub)
DJ Residency Contract
Engineer Work-for-Hire Agreement
General Partnership Agreement
Graphic Design Work-for-Hire
Musician Work-for-Hire Agreement
Photographic Release Agreement
Producer Contract (single deal - percentage of profits)
Producer Contract (single deal - traditional royalty)
Songwriter Agreement (Exclusive)
Tour Sponsorship Agreement