How can I be sure of the quality of the items I order?
MusicLegalForms.com has been an industry leader since launching in 2002, committed to excellence in the legal forms business for over 22 years. All MusicLegalForms.com products are especially tailored to the music industry, updated quarterly.

What file formats will I receive products in?
MusicLegalForms.com provides legal forms in Microsoft Word format. Our fill-in-the-blank legal forms are easy to use and customize.

How do I contact you if I have a question?
Our support department is always happy to answer your questions. You may email us at: help@musiclegalforms.com

How much does shipping cost?
There is no shipping cost. Downloadable legal forms mean nearly instant delivery to your computer. No more waiting for a package to arrive.

How long will it take for my credit card to be approved?
All major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express) and payment gateways (PayPal, Apple Pay) should be authorized in less than 5 seconds.

Is it safe to use my credit card over the Internet?
We use the latest Internet security technology to protect your credit card information (the Secure Socket Layer system). This system is compatible with all modern web browsers and mobile devices, ensuring that your credit card number is protected and cannot be viewed by outside parties.

Will I be charged sales tax?
There is no sales tax on orders from within the United States. International orders may be subject to VAT.