Designed for the modern music production company, the contracts and legal forms in this package will prepare you for a variety of situations. You'll be ready to issue compilation license contracts, film licensing agreements, producer contracts, engineer contracts, remix recording contracts, and so much more. This package contains 23 different forms.
This package contains the following contracts and legal forms:
Cease And Desist Letter
Compilation License Agreement (Exclusive)
Compilation License Agreement (Non-exclusive)
Copyright Assignment Agreement
Dance Remix Recording Contract (Flat Fee)
Dance Remix Recording Contract (Royalty)
DVD Authoring Agreement
Engineer Work-For-Hire Agreement
Film Master Use License Agreement
Film Synchronization License Agreement
General Partnership Agreement
Independent Contractor Agreement
Music Video Production Contract
Photographic Release Agreement
Producer Contract (single deal - percentage of profits)
Producer Contract (single deal - traditional royalty)
Producer Contract (album deal - percentage of profits)
Producer Contract (album deal - traditional royalty)
Public Access TV Release Form
Radio Broadcast Performance Agreement
Royalty Release Form
Web Radio Broadcast Agreement
Web Site Design Contract